Delicious Fish Cakes Recipe

Welcome to this mouthwatering article on how to make delicious fish cakes! ️ If you’re a seafood enthusiast looking for a flavorful and easy-to-follow recipe to satisfy your cravings, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating these delectable fish cakes that will surely tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re planning a family dinner or a casual gathering with friends, these fish cakes are bound to be a hit. So, grab your apron and get ready to dive into this culinary adventure. Let’s get started!

The History of Fish Cakes

Explore the origins of fish cakes, tracing back their history to ancient civilizations and how they have evolved over time.

Ancient Origins of Fish Cakes

The history of fish cakes can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the combination of fish and other ingredients was a common practice. In Ancient Greece and Rome , fish was often combined with bread or grains to create a mixture that could be shaped into cakes and then fried or baked. These early versions of fish cakes were simple and nutritious, providing an easy way to consume fish and other ingredients.

Evolution of Fish Cakes over Time

As time went on, fish cakes evolved and spread to different parts of the world. In Asia, countries like Japan and Korea developed their own variations of fish cakes, known as “kamaboko” and “eomuk” respectively. These Asian fish cakes are often made from pureed fish paste that is steamed or grilled, resulting in a delicate and flavorful texture.

  • Japan’s Kamaboko: Kamaboko is a traditional Japanese fish cake that dates back to the 14th century. It is made by steaming white fish paste, resulting in a smooth and delicate texture. Kamaboko is often used as a topping or ingredient in various Japanese dishes.
  • Korea’s Eomuk: Eomuk, also known as “odeng” or “fish cake soup,” is a popular street food in Korea. It is made from ground fish paste, mixed with various seasonings, and then formed into a cylindrical shape. Eomuk is often served on skewers or added to soups and stews.

In Europe, fish cakes also gained popularity over time. In countries like England and Scotland , fish cakes became a culinary staple, especially during times when fish was more readily available. These British-style fish cakes are typically made from mashed potatoes, fish, and various herbs and spices, and are often pan-fried or deep-fried.

Today, fish cakes have become a beloved dish across the globe, with countless variations and adaptations based on local cuisines and ingredients. Whether you prefer the delicate Japanese kamaboko, the flavorful Korean eomuk, or the hearty British fish cakes, there is a fish cake recipe out there to satisfy every palate. So why not try making your own fish cakes at home?

The Different Types of Fish Used in Fish Cakes

When it comes to fish cakes, there are a variety of fish options that can be used to create these delectable treats. Each type of fish brings its own unique flavor to the dish, adding to the overall taste and experience. Let’s explore some of the most commonly used types of fish in fish cakes:


Salmon is a popular choice for fish cakes due to its rich and flavorful taste. The pink flesh of the salmon provides a vibrant color to the cakes, making them visually appealing as well. The natural oils in salmon keep the cakes moist and tender, resulting in a deliciously juicy bite.


Cod is another commonly used fish in fish cakes. It has a mild flavor and a flaky texture that makes it perfect for blending with other ingredients. Cod fish cakes are often seasoned with herbs and spices to enhance their taste. These cakes are great for those who prefer a milder fish flavor.


Tuna fish cakes are a popular choice for seafood lovers. Tuna has a stronger and bolder flavor compared to other fish, making it a great option for those who enjoy a more pronounced taste. These cakes are often seasoned with lemon juice or herbs to balance out the richness of the fish.


Haddock is a white fish that is commonly used in fish cakes. It has a delicate, slightly sweet flavor that pairs well with various ingredients. Haddock fish cakes are often served with a tangy dipping sauce to complement the subtle flavors of the fish. These cakes are a crowd-pleaser at any gathering.


Pollock is a versatile fish that is frequently used in fish cakes. It has a mild flavor and a soft, tender texture that works well in combination with other ingredients. Pollock fish cakes can be seasoned with spices, herbs, or even a hint of heat to bring out the best in the fish.

  • Salmon: Rich and flavorful, with a vibrant pink color.
  • Cod: Mild and flaky, perfect for blending with other ingredients.
  • Tuna: Strong and bold, great for those who enjoy a pronounced taste.
  • Haddock: Delicate and slightly sweet, pairs well with various flavors.
  • Pollock: Mild and soft, versatile for different seasoning options.

These are just a few examples of the different fish commonly used in fish cakes. Each fish brings its own unique characteristics and flavors to the dish, giving you plenty of options to choose from based on your personal preferences. So whether you prefer a rich and flavorful fish cake or a milder and delicate one, there’s a fish out there that will suit your tastes perfectly. Enjoy exploring the world of fish cakes and discover your favorite!

Traditional Fish Cake Recipes from Around the World

Take a culinary journey and learn about traditional fish cake recipes from different countries, such as the Thai fish cake, Japanese kamaboko, and British fish and chips.

1. Thai Fish Cake

Thai fish cake, also known as Tod Mun Pla, is a popular street food in Thailand. It is made with fish paste, red curry paste, green beans, and kaffir lime leaves. The mixture is shaped into patties and deep-fried until golden brown. The result is a crispy and flavorful fish cake that is often served with a sweet and tangy dipping sauce.

2. Japanese Kamaboko

Kamaboko is a traditional Japanese fish cake that is often eaten as a topping in noodle dishes or served as an appetizer. It is made by grinding fish fillets into a paste and then steaming or baking the paste until firm. The resulting fish cake is typically shaped into a cylinder or a semi-circular shape and has a slightly sweet and savory flavor. Kamaboko can be enjoyed on its own or used in various dishes.

3. British Fish and Chips

Fish and chips is a classic British dish that consists of battered and deep-fried fish served with crispy fried potatoes. The fish used in this recipe is typically cod or haddock, and it is coated in a mixture of flour, beer, and seasoning before being fried until golden and crispy. The fish and chips are then served with tartar sauce, malt vinegar, and mushy peas. This hearty and comforting dish is a staple in British cuisine.

  • History: Fish and chips became popular in the 19th century in the UK, and it quickly became a favorite among the working class.
  • International Influence: The dish has also gained popularity in other countries, including Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

Next time you’re in the mood to explore different cultures through food, consider trying one of these delicious traditional fish cake recipes. Whether you go for the spicy and aromatic Thai fish cake, the delicate and smooth Japanese kamaboko, or the crispy and satisfying British fish and chips, you’re sure to enjoy a unique taste experience.

The Key Ingredients for Perfect Fish Cakes

Uncover the essential ingredients required to create delicious fish cakes, including fresh fish, binders like breadcrumbs or mashed potatoes, and flavor enhancers like herbs and spices.

1. Fresh Fish

The main ingredient for any fish cake is, of course, fresh fish. Opt for a sturdy fish variety like salmon, cod, or tuna, as these hold their shape well when cooked. Make sure the fish is boneless and skinless, allowing for easy processing. You can either buy fresh fish from the market or use leftover cooked fish for a thrifty and flavorsome option.

2. Binders like Breadcrumbs or Mashed Potatoes

To achieve the perfect texture and ensure your fish cakes hold together, you’ll need binders. There are two popular options: breadcrumbs or mashed potatoes. Breadcrumbs help absorb excess moisture, while mashed potatoes provide a creamy and velvety consistency. Choose the option that suits your taste preference and available ingredients.

  • Breadcrumbs: If you opt for breadcrumbs, use fresh or dry breadcrumbs depending on your desired texture. Fresh breadcrumbs add more moisture to the mixture and result in a slightly softer cake, while dry breadcrumbs create a firmer texture. You can make your own breadcrumbs by processing stale bread in a food processor or use store-bought ones.
  • Mashed Potatoes: If you prefer using mashed potatoes, make sure they are smooth and free from lumps. Boil or steam the potatoes, then mash them until creamy. Alternatively, use leftover mashed potatoes from a previous meal for a convenient and flavorful twist. Mash the potatoes well to get rid of any chunks and ensure a cohesive mixture.

3. Flavor Enhancers like Herbs and Spices

To add an extra burst of flavor to your fish cakes, don’t forget to include herbs and spices. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite blend. Here are some popular options to consider:

  • Dill: Dill is a classic herb that pairs well with all types of fish. Its fresh and tangy flavor complements the fish and adds a vibrant touch.
  • Parsley: Parsley is another versatile herb that works wonderfully in fish cakes. Its mild and slightly peppery taste enhances the overall flavor profile.
  • Chives: Chives provide a mild onion-like flavor that complements fish without overpowering it. Finely chop them and mix them into the fish cake mixture.
  • Garlic: If you’re a fan of garlic, add some minced garlic to give your fish cakes a delicious savory kick.
  • Paprika: Paprika is a spice that adds a smoky and slightly spicy note to the fish cakes, enhancing their overall taste.
  • Black Pepper: Don’t forget to season your fish cakes with black pepper for an added layer of warmth and depth.

Remember to adjust the quantities of herbs and spices according to your personal taste preferences. Start with small amounts and gradually increase until you achieve the desired flavor.

4. Additional Ingredients to Enhance Flavor and Texture

To further enhance the flavor and texture of your fish cakes, you can consider adding some additional ingredients. While not essential, these ingredients can take your fish cakes to the next level:

Add tanginess and a burst of flavor
Corn kernels
Add sweetness and crunch
Lemon zest
Provide a refreshing citrusy aroma
Act as a binder and help hold the ingredients together
Contribute to a moist and creamy texture

Feel free to experiment with these ingredients or add your own creative touches to make the fish cakes truly your own. Just remember to maintain a balance, so that none of the flavors overpower the delicate taste of the fish.

Expert Tips for Making Mouthwatering Fish Cakes

Want to take your fish cakes to the next level? Look no further. We’ve gathered insider tips from seasoned chefs and fish cake enthusiasts who know how to achieve the perfect texture, flavor, and presentation for your fish cakes.

1. Choose the Right Fish

When it comes to making fish cakes, the type of fish you use can make all the difference. Opt for firm, white fish like cod, haddock, or halibut. These types of fish have a mild flavor that pairs well with other ingredients.

2. Add Some Spice

To give your fish cakes an extra kick of flavor, don’t be afraid to get creative with your seasonings. Try adding some minced garlic, chopped fresh herbs like parsley or dill, and a pinch of cayenne pepper for some heat. The key is to strike the right balance of flavors that complement the fish without overpowering it.

3. Don’t Forget the Binders

The key to achieving the perfect texture for your fish cakes is using the right binders. A combination of breadcrumbs, egg, and mayonnaise works wonders in holding everything together. The breadcrumbs add a nice crunch, while the egg and mayonnaise provide moisture and help bind the ingredients.

4. Get the Texture Just Right

Texture is an important aspect of any good fish cake. To achieve the ideal texture, make sure to finely chop the fish and mix it with the other ingredients until just combined. You want the fish to be evenly distributed throughout the mixture, without breaking it down too much. This will ensure a moist and tender fish cake.

5. Cook with Care

Cooking your fish cakes to perfection is the final step in creating a mouthwatering dish. Whether you choose to pan-fry or bake them, be sure to cook them over medium heat until they are golden brown on both sides. This will ensure that they are cooked through and have a crispy exterior.

To add an extra layer of flavor, try brushing the fish cakes with a bit of melted butter or olive oil before cooking. This will help them develop a beautiful golden crust. And don’t forget to let them rest for a few minutes after cooking, as this will allow the flavors to settle and the texture to firm up.

Now that you have these expert tips in your arsenal, go ahead and try making your own mouthwatering fish cakes. With a little practice and a whole lot of love, you’ll be serving up delicious fish cakes that will leave everyone wanting more. Happy cooking! ️

Alternative Cooking Methods for Fish Cakes

When it comes to preparing fish cakes, the traditional method of frying may not always be the healthiest option. Luckily, there are alternative cooking methods that you can explore to create healthier versions of fish cakes without compromising on taste and texture. Let’s take a closer look at two popular alternatives: baking and grilling.


Baking fish cakes can be a convenient and healthier option compared to frying. By using the oven, you can achieve a crispy exterior without the need for excessive oil. Here’s how you can bake your fish cakes:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Shape the fish cakes into patties and place them on the prepared baking sheet.
  3. Bake the fish cakes in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown and cooked through. Flip them halfway through the cooking time to ensure even browning.
  4. Remove the fish cakes from the oven and let them cool slightly before serving.

Baking fish cakes is a healthier alternative to frying as it requires less oil and still provides a crispy texture.


If you’re looking for a smoky flavor and a slightly charred exterior, grilling your fish cakes can be a fantastic option. Follow these steps to grill your fish cakes:

  1. Prepare the grill by preheating it to medium-high heat and lightly oiling the grates to prevent sticking.
  2. Shape the fish cakes into patties and place them on the oiled grill grates.
  3. Grill the fish cakes for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until they are nicely marked and cooked through.
  4. Remove the fish cakes from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.

Grilling fish cakes can add a smoky flavor and a beautiful charred crust, enhancing the overall taste.

By exploring alternative cooking methods such as baking or grilling, you can enjoy delicious fish cakes with a healthier twist. Whether you prefer the crispy texture of baked fish cakes or the smoky flavor of grilled ones, these cooking methods allow you to savor your favorite dish while maintaining a balanced diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make fish cakes using canned tuna?
Absolutely! Canned tuna works great for fish cakes and adds a unique flavor to the dish. Just make sure to drain the excess liquid before using it in the recipe.
Can I substitute the breadcrumbs with something else?
Certainly! If you’re looking for a gluten-free option or want to switch things up, you can use crushed cornflakes or crushed potato chips instead of breadcrumbs. It’ll give your fish cakes a delightful crunch.
How should I store the leftover fish cakes?
To keep your fish cakes fresh, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They should stay good for up to 3 days. When reheating, simply pop them in the oven or toaster for a few minutes to restore their crispy texture.
Can I freeze the fish cakes?
Absolutely! To freeze your fish cakes, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze until solid. Then transfer them to a freezer bag or container. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. When ready to enjoy, simply bake them from frozen until heated through.
Can I make fish cakes with fresh fish?
Definitely! Fresh fish works wonderfully for fish cakes. You can use any white fish like cod, haddock, or tilapia. Simply cook the fish first, then flake it apart and proceed with the recipe. It adds a delightful tenderness to the fish cakes.
What can I serve with fish cakes?
Fish cakes make a versatile and delicious dish that pairs well with a variety of sides. You can serve them alongside a crisp green salad, tartar sauce, or even mashed potatoes for a heartier option. Get creative and enjoy your fish cakes in whichever way pleases your taste buds!

Thanks for Joining Us!

We hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed this delicious fish cakes recipe and are inspired to give it a try in your own kitchen. Whether you’re a seafood lover or looking for a new way to incorporate fish into your meals, these fish cakes are sure to impress. Remember, the key to achieving that perfect crispy exterior and tender, flaky interior is to use quality ingredients and follow the instructions precisely. Don’t forget to visit us again for more mouthwatering recipes and culinary inspiration. Happy cooking! ️

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